currently obsessing over

posted on: Sunday, July 14, 2013

checking in from under the pile I'm buried under

posted on: Monday, July 1, 2013

I think I picked the worst time to start blogging. Just when I thought I had unlimited free time on my hands I forgot that June through the first week of July are always crazy in this house. There's two birthdays, the end of school, trying to find a routine for out-of-school teenagers, an annual concert weekend with my best friend, summer festivals, and our annual 4th of July vacation. Plus I got on a massive cleaning kick. Needless to say time has flown by!

With what little free time I've had I've been trying to catch up on Mad Men. I stopped watching during season 3 for no known reason and the buzz about this season peaked my interest so I'm back on the wagon. Also, I've been completely obsessed with art. I've been adding works that I find to my Pinterest boards; watching art documentaries; stocking up on paint supplies; and collecting books on art history, creativity, artists that I love, and working in the arts. I'm really excited to dig in once we get back from vacation.

If you are checking in bear with me! There should be regularly posting starting in the next couple of weeks and I can't wait to see what shape my little corner of the internet starts to take.

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