moving forward

posted on: Friday, May 31, 2013

Sometimes when something happens that throws us for a loop we have a couple of options; we can let it cripple us so that we feel like a victim of circumstance or we can use it as an opportunity to change directions. If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times I was never happy at my old job but I endured it because I played into the belief that a responsible adult doesn’t always get to do something they would like to do because we have to take care of our families, pay our bills, etc... So I sat at my desk daydreaming about winning the lottery and spending my days in a sun drenched studio painting, writing, reading and focusing on reconnecting with my creative self which has been stifled for years. So, when I found out I was being let go... there was relief. That’s not to say that there isn’t concern about finances, finding new employment, health insurance, etc but the fact that I no longer lay awake at night dreading the next day feels really good. This is an opportunity to change my future. It won't be as easy as if I had won the lottery but this is a gift. This is an opportunity for me to reconnect with who I am and to be honest with myself about what I want out of life and what makes me happy and how I want to spend the rest of my working days. Exciting? YES! Overwhelming? A little bit because I’m not sure where to start. So I took a trip to the bookstore to see if I could find anything worth while to help me start out on this new journey. I mean I know I want to be creative but what does that mean? I dug through the shelves and worked my way through a stack of 23 books until I had 4 that I really thought would work for me. 

I knew before I walked through the door that Danielle LaPorte’s The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful & Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms was going to come home with me. I’ve been following Danielle's website for years and the book has been on my Amazon wish list since it’s release. 

Ken Robinson’s new release Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life was front and center on the display table when I walked in the door. I’ve watched and enjoyed his TED Talks so I gave it a once over and it is the first book that I’m going to dig into. 

The title of Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life was enough for me. From the snippits I read while I was thumbing through it at the book store this book may be more than just a great title. Jen is funny and crass but there is substance here. I’m looking forward to this one.

Jonathan Field’s Uncertainty: Turning Fear & Doubt into Fuel for Brilliance was a last minute choice. I was on the fence about it but at the same time I wasn’t ready to say no. So I threw it in the pile and went with it. We will see how it goes. I do get Jonathan’s emails and he has great things to say plus it has solid reviews on Amazon so I’m not doubting the book is good it just wasn't as excited about it as I am for the others. It’s last on the list but still on the list.

I’m really excited at this point. I have a stack of books and time to read them; summer days on the porch with a glass of lemonade, a stack of books, and a new future unfolding. 


  1. Is it bad that I'm more than a little jealous of your joblessness? Stacks of books and time to read them...

  2. What a great place to start! I haven't heard of some of these yet, but they look really good. I'm off to check out Ken's TED talks now!


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