start where you are

posted on: Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ambitious Execution has been rolling around in my head for several years now; before I had ever considered having a blog I had a blog name. In it's first incarnation Ambitious Execution was an ill attempted craft blog (I don't finish craft projects) after that it was a self-development(ish) blog which just isn't my thing and then it had a short life as a design blog but I started a job that sucked away my time and soul so after two posts it sat neglected until I deleted my third sad attempt.

Recently as my work became increasingly unbareble I wanted to begin blogging with serious intentions so that I would have something cathartic to do in my minuet spare time. My job had gotten the best of me; I was working 10 - 12 hour days, my health was declining from the stress and unhealthy meals eaten at my desk, I was becoming depressed and angry so blogging always took the back burner as the few moments I spent at home and awake I devoted to my two kids. Finally I set aside some time to think about what Ambitious Execution meant to me because if I was going to make time to do this it had to mean something to me. My first stop was the Oxford English Dictionary.

Ambitious - having or showing a strong desire & determination to succeed

Execution - the carrying out of a plan, order, or course of action

The definitions to those two words were all I needed to know. I had lost sight of who I was because I was so busy running a rat race I didn't even want to be in. My creative, soulful, happy, adventurous self had become a person I didn't recognize and Ambitious Execution is my way of getting back to who I am; this is a journey of creative self-discovery. There are no rules. (Oh and no job either but that's another story.)


  1. This is a fantastic beginning to a "new" endeavor. Congratulations on getting a grasp on your desire. I look forward to seeing what comes next!

  2. Happy to come with you on this journey to yourself!
    Wish you a beautiful day

  3. Ha! I don't finish craft projects either. :) I look forward to the inspiration of your execution!


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